A new year is always an invitation for a fresh start. You may have good intentions like eating healthier, exercising more, or – who knows – quitting smoking. But did you know that your skin benefits just as much from these choices? At Self, we believe it’s never too late to start taking care of yourself, inside and out.

Did you know that smoking also has a major impact on your skin?
The damage of smoking on your skin
Smoking has been a risk factor for your health for years, but did you know that it also has a major impact on your skin? Smoking has a direct impact on your skin, and you often see this sooner than you think. The harmful substances in cigarette smoke reduce the blood circulation to your skin. Less blood circulation means less oxygen and nutrients – and that makes for a dull, tired appearance.
But that's not all. Smoking also affects the production of collagen and elastin. These are the proteins that keep your skin firm and supple. Without these building blocks, your skin will sag faster and wrinkles will appear prematurely. Your skin simply ages faster.
Lips and skin around the mouth
You may have noticed that the skin around your lips is extra sensitive. Taking a puff on a cigarette can lead to fine lines and wrinkles around the mouth – those famous ‘smoker’s lines’. They are often difficult to get rid of, so it is good to be aware of them.
What about vaping?
You might be thinking: “But I vape, isn’t that less harmful?” Nothing could be further from the truth, vaping also has a negative effect on your skin. Nicotine, often found in vapes, dries out your skin and can make your skin feel tight. This, combined with the other chemicals in e-cigarettes, can weaken your skin barrier. The result? Skin that becomes irritated more quickly, is sensitive and recovers less well. Drinking plenty of water can prevent dehydration, but it does not protect your skin from all other effects.

The influence on skin conditions
In addition to the visible effects, such as wrinkles and a dull complexion, smoking can also contribute to skin problems such as acne or rosacea. Because smoking weakens your immune system, your skin has a harder time protecting itself from irritation and inflammation.
How can you help your skin recover?
When you quit smoking or vaping, you’re not only giving your health a boost, but your skin too. Recovery won’t happen overnight, but you’ll notice your skin looking healthier step by step. Your blood circulation will improve, your skin will get more oxygen, and collagen production will slowly increase again.
At Self we understand how important it is to give your skin the right care during this recovery. Our products are specially developed to support your skin and make it shine again.
For example, try our Expert Nourishing Day Cream or the Intense Hydrating Facial Mask . These will help to deeply hydrate and restore your skin. Since smoking breaks down collagen, our Healthy Aging Facial Oil is a must-have. It supports the build-up of collagen, so that your skin becomes firm and elastic again.
The healing starts here. Give your skin the love it deserves, because you are more than worth it.