Who can write a product review at Natural SELF?
Customers can post a review without obligation if they meet the following conditions:
- Customer purchased a product while logged in to the website.
- Customer can only post a review about a product he/she has purchased.
In addition to written reviews, the customer can also leave a video review by email. The customer does not need to have an account for this, but must be able to demonstrate that he/she has actually purchased and used the product.
Extra information:
- Reviews are always published within 24 hours, with the exception of reviews posted on a Saturday or public holiday. The date listed with the review is the date the review was approved.
- The reviews are 100% real and are only written by people who have actually purchased the product. Reviews are not edited (only at the request of the customer in question) and are always published.
- Review scores are calculated based on the total review score/number of reviews. This results in the average review score.
Reward linked to posting a review:
A customer who is logged in to his or her Natural SELF account and purchases a product is automatically given the rights to post a review about this product. When posting a review, the customer receives loyalty points. Loyalty points are a rewarding system in which the customer saves points that can later be converted into a discount.
- After manual approval of the written review, the customer automatically receives 200 loyalty points on his/her account.
- To secure the system and not receive an excess of reviews, the customer only receives points once every two years when posting a review about the same product.
A customer who provides Natural SELF with a high-quality video review that meets the stated requirements will receive a product of their choice as a gift. The choice of this free product is mutually agreed upon by email and will be sent to the person in question within 5 working days.
How to leave a review?
Honest reviews and experiences from other customers can help you make the right choice. You can share both your positive and negative experience.
This is how you proceed:
- Step 1: Go to the product page in question about which you want to leave a review.
- Step 2: Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click 'leave a review' (make sure you're logged in)
- Step 3: Write a sincere, truth-based review and also indicate an overall rating.
- Step 4: Then click 'send'.
- Step 5: Your review is usually visible after 24 hours.
- Step 6: After the review has been approved, you will automatically receive 200 loyalty points.
To guarantee the quality of the reviews, Natural SELF manually checks your review. These are approved on the basis of the following rules:
- The content of the review is solely about the product experience of the product. No other statements or surreptitious advertising.
- Profanity, hate speech, explicit language and offensive comments will not be tolerated.
- The language in which a review can consist is Dutch, French, English or German.
If you do not comply with the above rules, your review will not be approved. Reviews are not disapproved based on rating score. Both positive and negative experiences are published. Obvious typographical/spelling errors may be corrected.
In addition to writing and publishing written reviews, Natural SELF also allows you to share your experience in a video. These videos are used in social media, used in advertising and can be published on the website.
This is how you proceed:
- Step 1: Record a video taking into account the required format (refer to the guidelines below).
- Step 2: Upload the video via the Wetransfer program ( ). This tool is free and ensures that the quality of the video is maintained.
- Step 3: Send the Wetransfer file via email to .
- Step 4: The video review is checked, after which you will usually receive a response within 48 hours.
- Step 5: Depending on whether the requirements of the video have been met, we will inquire about the product that the customer in question would like to receive in exchange.
- Step 6: The product will be shipped within 5 days.
Guidelines for correct video review format:
- Filming method: vertical – It is important that the head is positioned in the center of the screen. Ideally, the product you are talking about is depicted.
- Content: The content of the video may only be based on the user experience of the product in question and associated results.
- Length: Minimum 0:40 minutes and maximum 1:30 minutes.
- Location: In the bathroom or another neutral place. It is important that there is sufficient light during filming.
Quotes within the web pages:
The quotes that you find on the various web pages come from written product reviews, video reviews and written communication via social media and WhatsApp. The review always consists of an unedited passage, although the review may be part of an extract from a longer fragment and may be translated. You can always find the full review on the product page to which the review refers or in one of the published videos that you can find on the 'home page' or 'Let's proof it page'. If you cannot find the corresponding review, you can always request it by email from Natural SELF.
Reviews in the form of a video are not edited and published in full. These are only provided with corresponding subtitles and outro. unedited, but translated if necessary

Reporting offensive, incorrect and fake reviews:
Natural SELF applies an open and honest business ethic. The consumer can report offensive, incorrect and false reviews via email ( Reported reviews do not disappear immediately, they are first checked manually.
Do you have questions about your skin or our products or something completely different? Do not hesitate to contact me. Always nice to hear from you and I'm happy to help you!