Summer has passed us by and the busy holiday season is almost here. A stressful but cozy period when no one can blame you for thinking of yourself. SELF doesn’t just offer skin care products, but we feel it’s important to encourage everyone to take that little extra me time! Because we just don’t do it often enough and it’s very important. Spoiling yourself can’t harm you! But having a full time job or being a full time mommy can make it difficult to squeeze in some me time, I know the feeling…
But remember, happiness can be found in the smallest corners: a good book on a cold evening, a tasty drink with your partner or getting yourself some lovely flowers. That’s what makes me happy! Try finding a small space in your busy schedule to allow you to spoil yourself!
A fan of flowers
Let’s turn the tables! Often times I see beautiful photos taken by our satisfied clients, so that’s why I want to open up an extra large jar of SELF love! How will I do that? Well every two weeks I’ll be picking out our SELF fan of the week and literally spoil them to death (well not literally..). Some lucky lady will receive a flower shower on her front door. Flowers never fail to put a smile on a woman’s face, mine included! They don’t just brighten up your room but can boost your mood all the way up to 11! For us this is a way to thank each and every one of you for supporting us and providing us with your lovely photos! We introduced our first 2 SELF fans last week: thanks Claudia and Katrien for the beautiful pictures!

Share your SELF photo or video
Have you recently bought a SELF product? Taking a lovely photo or video and sending them in makes us all so happy and who knows, maybe you’ll find yourself in the middle of a flower shower because of them! Share your photos or videos with a mention and hashtag on Instagram at #naturalself & @natural.self . You can also find us on NaturalSelf. This way you’ll be sure we’ve received your photos or videos!