I often get asked if I have always cared about my skin. Honestly? Not really.
I too have gone to bed several times with a face full of make-up… And as a teenager I didn’t think about what I put on my face and body. I mixed and matched, until… that time it went terribly wrong. I don’t remember exactly which brands I used then. But it was obvious that my cleanser and day cream didn’t go well together. The result? My face protested violently, with a colorful mix of red spots. It took me a month to look normal again. Cool, as a teenager.
Why am I telling you this? Because I notice that mixing and matching care products is still a tricky issue. Many women smear many different brands on their face in the morning. Understandable, advertising slogans often sound so promising that you would like to try everything at once. But it is precisely that combining that ensures that the desired result usually does not occur.
Why Mixing and Matching Doesn't Work
You have to be an expert at reading and interpreting ingredient lists to know which skincare products do or do not go well together. The nourishing ingredients in your day cream will not do much good if you have used an aggressive cleanser on your skin beforehand. In short, mixing certain active ingredients in different products can create an overly aggressive cocktail and damage your skin. Just think of that blunder in my teenage years.
My personal tips for choosing care products
1. Stay loyal to one brand.
Care products from the same line are coordinated. This means that they do not contain ingredients that counteract or unnecessarily reinforce each other. On the contrary, they are composed in such a way that they provide your skin with just enough nutrition and active ingredients.
2. Check the ingredients list
Are you full of complicated, chemical-sounding names? Then ask yourself if you would dare to put this product in your mouth. If the answer is no? Then why would you use it to nourish your skin? At SELF we choose 100% natural and vegan ingredients. And you can taste them ☺.
3. Keep it simple
Complicated ten-step plans? Caring for your skin doesn't have to be quantum physics. With a soft cleanser, a mild facial scrub and a nourishing day and night cream, you'll get a long way! Treating your skin to a nourishing mask every now and then is a nice extra. And remember the following rule of thumb: always use your products from light to heavy. So start with a cleansing milk and scrub, and finish with a nourishing cream and nourishing mask.
4. Don't get caught
It goes without saying that you should take into account the needs of your skin. But personally, I don't believe in separate product lines for dry, oily or combination skin. SELF products work for everyone, especially for the most demanding skin.
Your skin looks a little different every day, just as its needs vary from day to day. That's why it's important to check your skin's condition every day. Is your skin drier than usual? Apply more often. Does it feel more restless? Skip the scrubbing and go for a mild cleansing. Do you suffer from more pimples? Then you need to clean a little more thoroughly and perhaps scrub an extra time. In short, taking a good look at yourself every day is a must! Make that moment in front of the mirror a little SELF-moment.
As always, I am very curious about your experiences! Has your care ritual ever gone completely wrong? Do you have questions about skin care? Or do you just want to send me an email? Get in touch!