Back to basics

Back to basics

Back to basics’, todays’ hype. A hollow claim, on top of mind of many. What does it mean for you?

Everyone’s looking for ways to resource, to get a hold on their drive again, grab the best out of themselves, trying to catch every adventure energetically with a fresh and spontaneous look on the future…

The overload of choices makes finding the right direction quite difficult.

Best-selling marketing hypes today might have past their climax tomorrow. Hundred and one references of experts on social media are reaching out to you with tips and tricks, lifecycles of products get shortened …

Where do you find that one product that really works, the success formula that surpasses every other youth claim and makes you feel good inside out?

SELF made me discover that back to basics goes far beyond pursuing my active lifestyle thoroughly. I did exercise daily, I was a healthy foody, I spent a fortune on makeup & spa’s.

A beautiful mix of both perseverance and idealism! You will agree with me, when stating “an active and healthy lifestyle enables one to reach the most inspiring and promising eternal youth today”?

Signals of allergic reactions shook me, and made me understand that my biggest organ, my valuable skin, wasn’t nurtured as it should have been.

I was stunned! My dermatologist made me throw away the whole lot of makeup and skin care collections of high fashionable brands. Through the years my skin had been “chemically intoxicated” and was yearning to stop!

Back to basics’ for me, means “you are what you are rubbing on your skin”. 100% natural skin care has given me a boost. The secret is hidden in the power of SELF through its essential natural ingredients with proven results for ages in many applications.

SELF has become a daily ritual! My skin is being re-nurtured, I feel fitter and the critical zones of allergy traded places with a sense of youth and fitness.


Sometimes the solution is right before you. Back to basics!