Dit effect heeft alcohol op je huid

The Effect of Alcohol on Your Skin

A dull complexion, tightness, and red patches… After a night with one too many drinks, your skin usually doesn’t look its best. It’s okay to indulge (we also love a glass of red wine ;-)), but if you have an important day ahead, swap your wine for a virgin aperitif. Alcohol affects your body, and you can see it on your skin!

Alcohol Disrupts Your Sleep and Hyaluronic Acid Production

Having a drink might make you fall asleep faster, but it’s not good for the quality of your sleep. Alcohol makes you restless and less likely to sleep deeply. It’s no wonder you don’t feel rested the next day! A poor night’s sleep also shows on your face: droopy eyelids and mouth corners, red, swollen eyes, dark circles, a pale complexion… In the long term, it even accelerates skin aging. Lack of sleep prompts your adrenal glands to produce more cortisol (stress hormone). If your cortisol levels remain high for a long time, the production of hyaluronic acid decreases, resulting in drier skin. Cortisol also compromises your skin’s natural barrier function. The result? Your skin looks dull and is more prone to irritation, inflammation, or redness.

Alcohol Dries Out Your Skin

Alcohol has a diuretic effect. After a night of “wine-ing,” your skin will lose even more of its essential moisture overnight than usual. No wonder your skin feels dry in the morning!

TIP: Always use a rich cream with plenty of moisturizing ingredients before going to bed to minimize the damage. Especially after a (few too many) drinks! Our All-Night Starlight night cream is packed with nourishing antioxidants and contains vitamin B, which helps reduce redness.

Alcohol Can Worsen Skin Infections

Alcohol isn’t the cause of skin problems like hives, eczema, rosacea, acne, and psoriasis. However, excessive alcohol weakens your immune system and can exacerbate skin conditions.

TIP: Apply a cream from head to toe that not only nourishes your skin but also has healing properties. Our Fine Delicate Body Butter deeply hydrates and helps reduce infections, redness, and itching thanks to Allantoin, Hyaluronic, and Lauric Acid. The rich cream also contains Salicylic Acid, which reduces flakes and restores the stratum corneum. Ideal for skin conditions!

Fine Delicate | Body Butter

Alcohol Can Worsen Skin Infections

Alcohol isn’t the cause of skin problems like hives, eczema, rosacea, acne, and psoriasis. However, excessive alcohol weakens your immune system and can exacerbate skin conditions.

TIP: Apply a cream from head to toe that not only nourishes your skin but also has healing properties. Our Fine Delicate Body Butter deeply hydrates and helps reduce infections, redness, and itching thanks to Allantoin, Hyaluronic, and Lauric Acid. The rich cream also contains Salicylic Acid, which reduces flakes and restores the stratum corneum. Ideal for skin conditions!

Fine Delicate | Body Butter

Alcohol Depletes Your Antioxidant Reserves

A glass of alcohol immediately makes your skin more vulnerable to harmful external influences. According to research, alcohol consumption depletes the natural antioxidant reserves in your skin. With fewer protective agents, your skin struggles to neutralize free radicals. Free radicals are generated by sunlight, as well as pollution, smoking, unhealthy diet… These harmful agents can cause significant damage to the skin. They affect the connective tissue, making your skin less firm, and accelerate skin aging.

TIP: Load up on antioxidant-rich foods like green vegetables, citrus fruits, nuts, and fatty fish. Choose water over wine, quit smoking, protect your skin from the sun, and nourish it with healthy skincare products.

TIP: The Boost of Indulgence Facial Mask contains a high concentration of Lycopene. Lycopene, also known as tomato extract, protects the skin from sun damage and is packed with powerful antioxidants like vitamins C, E, B6, B1, B3, and B2! It has anti-inflammatory properties, protects the skin from daily attacks of free radicals, and helps strengthen your skin.

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